Overhead The Albatross (ie)
Describing the kaleidoscope of sounds that is Overhead The Albatross can be quite daunting, but we’ll try our best to do it justice and present it to you in the succinct fashion that this format demands. Mixing post-rock blissful melodies with piano and string arrangements, sax, synths, pop-sonorities and even EDM and dance music, Overhead The Albatross are quite the eclectic mix of contrasting sounds, and one of the most compelling too. Their latest album “I Leave You This” really felt like “sonic storytelling” thanks to the many spoken word samples and singing parts sprinkled all over the aforementioned hyper diverse mix in one even wilder mix of great cinematic impact. The closest comparison would be maybeshewill uniquely energetic post-punk-rock, but this too would prove reductive, as Overhead the Albatross shed all labels and fully embrace their unique weirdness.
All these sounds are only seemingly contrasting however, as through these intricate layers, Overhead The Albatross deliver a compelling record that is shockingly immediate if one thinks of all that is contained within it. One simply has to listen and it immediately becomes apparent how these sounds and rhythms complement and support each other, each driving the other forward, transforming it, fusing into it, soaring with it. It also becomes apparent how the band poured heart and soul, and a healthy dose of blood too for good measure, into this album. And maybe that is where the band’s true force lies, in their unique ability to seamlessly mix these sounds together and making is all sounds so… easy. This show is one that we’re particularly excited about as we cannot overstate how much we look forward to discovering how all these seemingly conflicting sounds all come alive together in one delicious cauldron of tasty post-rock!
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